Aluminium windows are not only state-of-the-art and aesthetic, but also ensure great performance. This makes them increasingly popular with domestic customers. Good thermal insulation, long, failure-free life and high resistance to weather conditions make aluminium windows a perfect coping for the project.
Aluminium is a very ductile material, which enables making windows in various, even very sophisticated shapes. Aluminium windows are resistant to weather conditions, deformation and fading. They are very easy to maintain. Aluminium windows are available in a very wide range of colours. With RAL colours, structural and wood-like varnishes, our windows will imbue any project with individual character.

Aliplast STAR
State-of-the-art three-chamber aluminium window and door system with very good thermal performance. Perfect for passive buildings. Effective in improving thermal comfort in existing buildings. Wide range of colours.

Ponzio PE96 Passive
State-of-the-art aluminium windows system for energy-efficient and passive buildings. High thermal insulation results in energy efficiency and lower bills. Available in two versions: Passive and Passive+.

A three-chamber system designed for building windows and doors with high thermal insulation performance. Hidden leaf is a solution for “hiding windows” in aluminium and glass enclosures, which unifies their appearance from the outside.

Ponzio PE78N
A special, three-chamber system of sections, with a Euro standard fitting groove. Designed for windows with high thermal insulation performance. Used in balcony windows and doors, made of PVC or wooden profiles.

Aliplast GENESIS
A state-of-the-art three-chamber window system, which meets the thermal requirements of Uw from 0.9 Wm2K, which will apply from 2021. This system uses state-of-the-art insulation materials, which are an absolute novelty on the market.